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Procedures after the defense date

According to PPGTO Internal Regulation, after the thesis or dissertation conclusion, the graduate student has up to two months to deliver the final version of their work. This process must begin with the validation of the final version of the thesis or dissertation made by the supervisor through a receipt letter that must be delivered by the student to the PPGTO office, with the deposit of the final version in the Institutional Repository of UFSCar ( made by the student himself, according to instructions provided in the Manual of Self-Preservation of Theses and Dissertations - RI UFSCar, available at: -manual-v1.1.pdf.

After this procedure, the student's connection with the PPGTO is ended through the homologation of the defense of the thesis or dissertation by CPG-PPGTO and by the Graduate Council of UFSCar. For this purpose, the following documents will be required, which must be printed and delivered to the PPGTO office:

  • Copy of the e-mail of submission of the thesis/dissertation to the Institutional Repository.
  • BCo Library/UFSCar Negative certificate (withdraw at UFSCar Community Library -BCo).
  • Supervisor’s letter

The Graduate Commission of PPGTO resolved on the unenforceability of the catalog form.

After the final procedure of this process, which includes the referred homologations, the preparation and registration of the diploma, the PPGTO will notify the student of the availability of the diploma so that it can be withdrawn at the PPGTO office by the student, the supervisor or by an authorized person.